Ysolda from Skyrim: Progress

ysolda I made this costume for Dragon Con 2015. If you’ve looked around my site, you’ve probably noticed my love of Skyrim. I knew when I first saw her in the game I’d end up making her… mainly because I really liked her adorable horribly sewn dress and leather corset! For this Dragon Con I had too much on my plate to make a new armor set, so I made this very simple outfit. Well it wasn’t that simple, I just made it really really fast, in less than a week I think.

I did it so fast I forgot to take pictures of the actual construction parts. Luckily the source is very disheveled and imperfect, so I was able to relax and just make it quickly without trying to be perfect. If something came out a little crooked it didn’t matter! I got the weathering pics though, which was the fun part! I used Jacquard paints mixed with water to simulate mud (which I set with heat so its permanent). Before I did that I sprayed bleach on the dress to get the sun spots. It looks horribly dirty but its actually clean! The dress is made from an embroidered cotton that is technically not accurate, but was the right texture and color (less work!). The other white(ish) fabrics are linen. The corset is made from a really awesome distressed pleather I found in the clearance section at Joanns that I’d never seen before and still haven’t since. Its kind of amazing, people thought it was real leather.

Check out the Ysolda gallery for the finished product.