Hello Again, 2024.

Hello! It’s time for a refresh! 👋

The last post I made was back in 2017, 7 years ago. Quite a lot has happen since. From 2017-2019, I was very busy and got way behind on this site. Life got in the way, you know how it is. However I was still trucking along, making costumes, attending conventions, and entering contests. I was even posting updates on social media. I have many wonderful costumes to document on this site from within that time period! I will start posting them in reverse chronological order.

And then 2020 happened. Without conventions to attend, I simply stopped costuming.

But I didn’t stop crafting. Oh no. I got into knitting, crocheting, quilt making, and leather bag making. I even made some regular ole’ clothes. (And of course… mask making). I did NOT let my skills go to waste! (Also seriously for real, I REALLY got into knitting. Go check out my Ravelry and behold the pandemic knitting bonanza).

So yeah, I took a huge break from costuming. I finally crawled out of my cave for a small convention in Seattle that was during Halloween 2021 (they had good masking and vax requirements at that time). I made Lenore from Castlevania S4 (Netflix binge, hello), and even entered it in their contest and won 3rd place overall! It felt good to be in the scene again.

Lenore from Castlevania (with matching mask, of course)

In 2023 I finally decided to make a “big” build for Dragon Con – Queen Rennala from Elden Ring. Let’s just say I bit off way more than I could chew with this one, specifically in regards to time. In the old days, I could churn out some really intricate costumes in a shocking time frame. But I now had a house, a puppy, and more general life stuff to deal with. This may have been the worst con crunch I have ever done. (Although knowing how crazy I got in the old days making multiple costumes at once, maybe not 🤣)

So let’s just say I wasn’t able to finish to the level I wanted and do it justice. I did, however, enter the ole’ favorite Dragon Con Friday Night Contest (because I always let the sunk cost fallacy get to me). I didn’t win anything, but it was still a really cool costume despite the flaws, and I got some great pics. I will of course do a writeup and post the gallery. However at the time of writing this, I do plan on doing a very hefty remodel (like a 40% redo) and wearing her again in 2025. That hat was just too heavy and needs to me remade.

Rennala selfie, sans big hat.

In 2024 I made Ciri from the Witcher Netflix series. This time I started really early and finished with plenty of time to spare. I loved how this one turned out, (other than the fit due to weight gain from too much summer vacationing 🙃). I’ll do a writeup of this one, too!

So here we are. I’m still trying to figure out my new cosplay groove – I moved to Seattle and need to explore the con scene here. Anyway, expect lots of updates!